31 ago 2009

The avalanche team

Juan, Max, Joice and Roni plus more of us ranch hands getting ready for 70 or more kids

Joice looking like a cow girl at ther ranch
Pastor Bill And his little buddy Roni on the last day of VBS Julio and Augustine durring VBS

Our team leaders for VBS Letty/ Jay and kids getting school supplies ready for kids

Luis Molina, julio and Chadder the VBS chipmunk

scroll down to bottom to read current Prayer letter

please check out this great slide show made by some friends who came down to serve. Thanks Aaron!


August/Sept. 2009

Hello Everyone!

Well August is coming to a close and school year is beginning…summer coming to an end and another season is beginning. We are excited to wait and see what the Lord will do. We came back to Puerto Vallarta and hit the ground running after a wonderful time with family and friends in Texas, New Mexico, and Renee’ in Colorado. We were able to attend our home churches and share what the Lord is doing in Calvary Puerto Vallarta. Our kids were ministered to by the youth ministry at Calvary Albuquerque and we were able to minister to Renee’s family. We returned rested and blessed.
Since we have been home we have marveled at how the Lord was able to use the people of the body in such a marvelous way to keep up the work of the ministry while we were gone! What an answer to prayer! God sent some wonderful pastors to teach in my place and He was able to use Luis Molina my only elder to minister and oversee the sheep while I was gone. Mari his wife oversaw the women’s ministry and children’s ministry and did an excellent job. Lety our only employee at the church took care of CC Mission School and all the church business while we were gone. Thanks to all you visiting volunteers that made Lety’s job so much more pleasant! She did a great job! Don’t you love the Lord’s faithfulness?
We are blessed to see that none of us are indispensable…but that God is able to do his work with those who make themselves available to His molding hand if they are willing…Sometimes it’s painful but what comes out of it is amazing. It was a stretching time for the body but one in which we saw a lot of growth in their trust in the Lord. We can be book learned, know the Bible from beginning to end but if our service is not presented with humility, love, and a submissive spirit God can’t work…The body molded and bent and were shaped through this experience and God answered our prayers! The church was just as full when we came as when we left! He added new people as well! Glory to our faithful King!
July was a time of preparation for the harvest in August. We began working on Vacation Bible School…Thanks go out to all of our supporters who made it possible for these little children to go on an adventure to Avalanche Ranch! The youth really pulled together and worked hard in the preparation of all the decorations and the materials that were needed for the 80 who would arrive.
This year due to the swine flu scare we were not able to receive the team that normally comes to help with this outreach. God’s ways are definitely higher than ours and his thoughts greater than ours! We saw the youth put into action all they have been learning throughout the year in their bible study in their service to the kids. We made the observation that this year went better than all the years before. The leaders and the youth along with the children were able to capture the lessons more cohesively than in the past. There was a special anointing of the Holy Spirit and a unity which resulted in all the children leaving with Jesus as their Lord and knowing that God is awesome! We brought a close to the event with a special service where we invited the parents so they could be ministered to by their kids through song and scripture memory. 8 parents received Christ that morning! The message Pastor Bill gave was a recap of the 5 bible stories the children studied during the week. It was an incredible message and time of worship and we were all touched! We ended the day feeding everyone Ranch beans and fellowshipping watching Chadder’s Great Ranch Adventure. We thank the Lord for letting us be a part of His work in the lives of many!
This weekend the youth organized a Mexican Quinciñiera for a young 15 year old named Sharito. Bill and I met Philomena her mother when Sharito was about 5 years old. We saw Philo get saved and eventually they ended up in our church along with her husband Ventura and her son David. Sharito went on a mission trip with our youth two years ago. All this to say what a joy it is to see young people growing in Christ and abiding in the vine! The message was evangelistic and Philo’s mother and sister accepted Christ along with several others! The Lord is moving in our midst! Thank you Lord for your faithfulness to your servants!
The children at Calvary Chapel Mission School continue to grow in Christ and are remaining faithful to the Lord. We will be starting school three times a week again after the children adjust to their routine of their regular school hours. We continue to go out on Fridays to have Bible and we are seeing the mother’s become more interested as they are attending the women’s study we are offering! What an answer to prayer as we are seeing these moms get saved.
We will be able to provide School supplies for all the kids at the school again thanks to your generous support and your prayers for this ministry during these tough economic times. We are so grateful that our God is the owner of the cattle on a thousand hills and not limited by the world’s economy! Thank you all you who blessed the mission school with a needed appliances and food while we were gone! God bless you for your faithfulness and please keep up the prayer support! We pray for a great harvest in this part of the world and for other places where God sends His servants to cast out their nets!
Praise Reports:
We thank the Lord for all the new believers and for his answered prayer in the maturing of the older believers.
We thank the Lord that He is planting His word deeply in the hearts of his children and that they desire to study the Bible more and evangelize!
We thank the Lord for His faithfulness in providing for all the church expenses and the needs of CC Mission School!
Prayer request:
May the Lord the plans of the enemy as he attempts to attack our youth.
That the Lord would grow richly the Word that is being planted in the hearts of His children in all the discipleship groups.
For the Worship team to grow in maturity and understanding of what true worship is.
That God would use the youth to reach to many for Christ through their contagious joy!
For our family’s health…especially Renee’s. For Bill’s study time…

For the brother’s suffering from alcohol addiction…many fall back into it here.
If you would like to donate to this ministry feel free to write your tax-deductible donation in the name of Global Adventures and send it to Calvary of Albuquerque 4001 Osuna NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109. Or you can donate on line at their website globaladventures.org Attach a note saying you would like to designate it to the Martin’s personally or to Calvary Chapel Puerto Vallarta’s general fund.