20 may 2010

Hola and thanks for checking in to our Blog. Renee and I have been staying busy with the ministry and I haven't had the opportunity to stay in touch lately to let everyone know what we are up to. In the last month or so we have done an outreach in a small town called Cruz de Loredo about an hour and an half from Vallarta and a Woman's conference here in our Church building. Both events went extremely well.

We took our youth team down to Cruz to do evangelism to help our new sister Church there which is the first none Catholic Church in the Town. We had clowns and Puppets and Drama and Singing. Through the whole event God's love was proclaimed and demonstrated. Our youth did and great job and even lead people in the sinners prayer.

The Woman's conference which we held about two weeks later was well attended by ladies form three or four different Churches plus a few that had no Church home. Renee, Mari Molina, Linda, Linda Mather, Maura Cathy all spoke and shared on the lies woman believe. The event started on Friday late afternoon and went through to Saturday night where we ended with communion and prayer. The Holy Spirit really touched many Woman's bodies and life's and no one wanted the worship time to end. The food and the decorations were very well done and I enjoyed being off stage doing sound or leading the worship times.

We are now praying that the momentum started at the conference will continue in the lives of these ladies and we will see them sharing their faith and what they learned with their friends.

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